As you can imagine, all of the above is pretty scary for a 3 year old. Just learning what the world is about and how to interact appropriately within society are lessons enough.
Now add in fear, anxiety, distrust of many adults and extreme anguish and you have the emotional side of T1 D that is so often confused by onlookers as disobedient or attention seeking for a toy. It certainly is not.
Without going too in depth, the fear that hospitalization has placed in Chiara's mind is still ever so present. The fear of being hurt by anyone... more evident than ever.
In Chiara's mind, while in the shops just the other day, a tape measure represented an IV cord... the sales man represented the doctor... and from here I lost her to a barrage of screams and tears. That was just in Miranda Fair.
A hairdresser with scissors... can you even imagine what she pictured on this occasion? The end result... a bleeding nose caused by a burst blood vessel due to her extreme distress.
My heart breaks...
Something so would all think... just is not.
I stand challenged, but not defeated.
With help we are learning to overcome these fears one at a time.
As you know, Our beautiful family and friends are walking with us to help find a Cure for Diabetes. Together as a team we have raised over $2500!
If you are in a position to help, we would ever so greatly appreciate your support.
Imagine if even 3000 of our 5000 fans shared just $2.00! What a difference it would make to little people just like Chiara xx
If you know a business who firmly believes in supporting the little people screaming out for help behind the BIG GUYS... our hand is up to say {pick me} please!
I can handle my own heart breaking... but Chiara's should not be ... especially at 3 years old
Lots of love always