Tuesday 9 October 2012

The Dark -er Side

As many of you know Type 1 Diabetes has some pretty obvious factors. For Kikki Dee we inject, test, watch our food consumption and energy exertion and we watch her body language and behaviour every minute to gauge her levels.

As you can imagine, all of the above is pretty scary for a 3 year old. Just learning what the world is about and how to interact appropriately within society are lessons enough.

Now add in fear, anxiety, distrust of many adults and extreme anguish and you have the emotional side of T1 D that is so often confused by onlookers as disobedient or attention seeking for a toy.  It certainly is not.

Without going too in depth, the fear that hospitalization has placed in Chiara's mind is still ever so present. The fear of being hurt by anyone... more evident than ever.
In Chiara's mind, while in the shops just the other day, a tape measure represented an IV cord... the sales man represented the doctor... and from here I lost her to a barrage of screams and tears. That was just in Miranda Fair.

A hairdresser with scissors... can you even imagine what she pictured on this occasion?  The end result... a bleeding nose caused by a burst blood vessel due to her extreme distress.

My heart breaks...
Something so simple...you would all think... just is not.

I stand challenged, but not defeated.
With help we are learning to overcome these fears one at a time.

As you know, Our beautiful family and friends are walking with us to help find a Cure for Diabetes. Together as a team we have raised over $2500!

If you are in a position to help, we would ever so greatly appreciate your support.
Imagine if even 3000 of our 5000 fans shared just $2.00! What a difference it would make to little people just like Chiara xx

If you know a business who firmly believes in supporting the little people screaming out for help behind the BIG GUYS... our hand is up to say {pick me} please!

I can handle my own heart breaking... but Chiara's should not be ... especially at 3 years old
Lots of love always

Sunday 23 September 2012

Thank you


{Fireworks} our little collection of neon brights was something very different for us! I cannot wait to create these special treats for you all.
I must admit it has been alot of fun playing these and getting back into designing and creating again!

The colours in our studio have just been amazing... quite like the beautiful people that stand beside us every day! I know I have said this before, but without you we can't do any of this to the scale we hope to....

As you know this collection was close to my heart. Much like the others I have planned to follow, as a percentage of sales will always go towards JDRF and Type 1 Diabetes. Yeah yeah she's on it again....
So Thank you for your kind emails and orders! Thanks to you we will be able to donate again! yay!!!

With that we would also like to announce the winner of our movie tickets... has to be done here apparently and not on FB... I wish I had a movie pass for everyone! Believe me.... I can assure you though I do have a few more planned... Just not sure yet how we are going to share them...so please stay tuned! Thinking something wacky... feel free to post any crazy ideas you have seen or heard below.... Fun is fun!

So from Chiara, Paul, Emmi Puppy and Myself... we wish to thank you all and congratulate...

Kyla Deamus

Thank you Kyla! We hope you enjoy your family pass to the movies! Your postman will be sending them down with your brand new dynamic sparks! We are thrilled that you were able to join us on this occasion.

We look forward to sharing our next collection with you soon...
Until then, take care beautiful ones

Lots of Love Always
Paulie, Ren and Chiara Dior Manea and Emmi the Puppy

Tuesday 18 September 2012

"She is at it again" I heard yesterday... and yet despite the nasty email of discouragement I still said, YES YOU BET I AM! Strangely though I changed my mind last night... this email got to me a little more than normal and facebook did too.

Now, I thought about handling this two ways...
1. just post the competition and get on with it anyway...


2. Give you a little insight into why I am here, why LPP is here and why I host these little fundraisers in the first place.So if you have the time I invite you to read on. Its a very raw, raw piece but I will try to keep it limited xx

Number 2 won... so here it is
Ok, so as most of you know I am mummy to little Chiara. V Cute Huh!!!
Our little spark with a strong personality and dynamic character. Our little 3.5 year old is Type 1 diabetic. It is not who she is. It does not define her. But, it is just a little extra thing we need to do every day, no every hour, no actually every minute almost... days and nights.

So here's the thing, in our team of specialists we have our friendly Psychologist... a wise man who gave me a good piece of advice that I hold onto every day. "Renee, You must not be the mother. You must be the teacher you are trained to be. Put yourself in robot mode do what needs to be done in order to keep your daughter alive. If you dont, she will die". Ok harsh much??.... You bet! But did it do the trick... yes, to a degree it did. Those words echo in my head constantly. I do what I have to do. I be what I need to be when I need to be it, whenever I need to be, no matter what else pops up. This is hard for others to fathom, and they may not ever, but for me it is how it is. I might not tell anyone... (even though, technically i am about to)... but the daily struggle of being a carer of a toddler with T1D is constantly intense and heartbreaking. You will never know the full degree unless you live it.

Anyway, this brings me to La Petite Princesse. A place that  has evolved into so many different new spaces. I have loved it immensely, as it is a little avenue to create, play and just dabble in something that is fun. It gives me joy to create little pretties for you, Kikki and her BFF's. It's fun because it is something that Chaira has always helped me with in one way or another.

(oh baby cuteness choosing Princesse Clips at 1yr and 4 months, how sweet are you!!!!

Its also fun because, thanks to daddy /Hubby Paulie, who works long hours and days, I am able to do this with Chiara...at home. I am able to converese with so many beautiful and amazing people, who quite amazingly have become my friends. I can't tell you how many wonderful people I now call my friend...thanks to Facebook. (never thought i would say that! ) But with that also comes the flip side..... Facebook has made things a little harder with their lack of 'post showing' which makes businesses feel the need to push. Initially, I really wanted the boutique. I wanted the amazing success.... wanted being the operative word. It also opens the door to people who dont believe a "clip maker " should push charity where charity is not required. SAYS WHO?

For those of you who have been with us long enough, know I have said this before.... I WONT PUSH our posts. I dont like it and I wont do it. Sadly for me, it means that we are not as seen as what I would have once hoped...there wont be a boutique and their wont be a billboard in New York or Paris featuring LPP...but for the amazing glittery silver lining...it opened the door to being mummy again.

As an early Childhood teacher, I had hoped to return this year. Sadly with the ups and downs that we face with Chiara's health , I couldnt. So I tried a tutoring role with a little company. Sadly first day in...  I had to quit...called to an emergency with Chiara and had her home with me for the next two weeks. I can't do that to employers and I cant do that to my reputation as a teacher! See, its not as black and white as it appears to be. Its not a cold, I cant treat it with panadol. If she is sick she has to be watched like STING on stage at the Opera House. (and believe me .. your eyes don't leave that stage, damn he is good! ) It can change at the drop of a hat or she will end up back in hospital...again. no thanks.

So, I am back to...
"she is posting more comps".... "you make clips you do not save the world"... "dont think you are special" yes, these were the words I heard today.... so darling lady, to this i say...

I then made the decision to cancel the competition.
I am not quite sure which direction these charitable ideas will take now, I wont stop but there just has to be a better way.
Trying to create things that a quirky and fun just dont seem to reach anyone.
One thing I do know for sure ... there has got to be a better way to try to raise money for all of the beautiful little people affected by this awful awful chronic illness.....
I just have to find a new way that doesn't break my heart doing so!

To you all I wish you a beautiful day or night as always... filled with lots of love and smiles...and remember
Don't let anyone dull your sparkle... I'll try if you will xx

love you 

have totally loved your messages and emails of support...thank you xx 

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Thank you....and the winner is....

The time has come... but first a little thank you must be said.

Its funny you know...Facebook sometimes feels like high school, with both a business or personal page. It can be a "clicky" popularity contest or a loving and supportive boutique visit, all at the same time. There is a fine line between posting too much and not posting enough, paying to be seen and not being seen at all. The sad thing is... we just never know. So to those of you who have seen our posts about our competition each and every time... thank you for your patience xx 

To those of you who saw those posts and acted out of the pure kindness of your hearts... we thank you to the moon and beyond xx Your very generous donations have helped us to raise $1500 in one week! I didn't ever plan to get to that point so quickly. With thanks to all of you, we have helped JDRF to fund further research developments to find a cure! Well DOne!

Asking family, friends and "fans" to donate to our charity was quite honestly very hard to do. I felt very awkward doing so as I know that money is so hard to achieve these days and way too easy to loose! It is also tricky as at this point in time, this money doesn't 'actually' go to Chiara, It may never do so! However...pay it forward.... this fund is not just for Chiara. It is for every little face we have met or now know of who is just like us... Type 1 Insulin dependent Diabetic. A little poppet who wishes on every night star that someone, somewhere finds a cure so they dont have to endure anymore "bleeding finger tips" or toushie punctures from needles.

SO Yes, I did ask. I asked for your help to achieve something that I could not do alone. Basically it's all quite simple.I am a mummy, who will do anything to make our daughters life a beautiful place to live in. Paul and I will do whatever it take to ensure she is always happy and healthy. T1D won't stop her from doing anything she wants to. Therefore it should not stop us either. Together we will make a difference. x

Our choice to support and promote a "charity" is our own.
Your choice to participate with us is your own.
For this we are ever so grateful xx So without further "releasing" from me...your names have been entered into a random name generator.  
The winner of our special treats table is.....


Well Done Lovely lady xx We are very pleased to be sending these sweet treats to you and your girls. We have been lucky to have had your support for quite some time now. Well Done Amy! xx



The Magno's
Ren, Alex and Ella
Amy Norman
Connie, Rob, Bella and Adrian
Bolts family
Maria Allen
Mac-a-Moo, Aunty Bee and Auddie-puppy
The D-Bs
Jossy, Fairz, Kolbz and Skye Penny Rose xoxo
The Murphy family.
Beaton Family
The Fin Family xx
Sklias Family
Tash, Abo, Tilly and Georgie

So o all of you thank you, thank you for joining in and helping us. 
Your support and kindness will always be with us xx
Lots of Love Always

Sunday 19 August 2012

Chiara Dior Day!

Today is a special day... not only are we giving away a table of treats... but today one year ago ... little Kikki Dee was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. I have seriously tried to be as strong as i can be...honestly I have! But alas.... those that really know me... or have seen first hand...  ;P know I am quite honestly a puddle of tears.I am a mess! This is so hard.

Oh Yes, true true, true,  there is a silver lining, Chiara is amazingly healthy. But it doesn't stop my heart from breaking or from my head needing to be so over cautious by carrying a fridge load of food in my handbag next  to the emergency implements of an ambulance, as opposed to simple breath mints and a little lip gloss! 

So without further adue..Chiara and I would like to open the competition...here's are the "Sweet Treats" in our competition....

The Competition

1. Entry to the competition is a $5.00 minimum.... to the link below. 
This entry fee is does not go to LPP... it is a donation to JDRF to support our Walk for a cure!
This little point must be done in order to gain entry into the competition! the rest are extra chances!!!

It is completely your choice if you wish to donate more. Each $5.00 increment will be another entry in the comp...
$5.00 = 1 entry
$10.00 = 2 entries etc
Your registered name on the website with your donation above above is your entry.

2. Be a fan of our La Petite Princesse Page

3. Share our competition link below through your facebook page to add another entry. Shared posts are shown on our link so we will know to add your extra entry xx

The winner 
...will be drawn 9 days from now... Wednesday 29th 9pm... why?...call me superstitious but that was how long we spent in Cairns Hospital and Sydney Childrens Hospital....
So in the words of our BFF..."it just makes sense". Love you Ahdinny xx

All of the above points must be complete to gain an entry... "like, donate, share" ...not just a choice of one xx Hope you understand

Fine Print...
This competition is open worldwide. We will post these items to you anywhere! 
It is randomly drawn, therefore it is open to absolutely everyone! 
Our competition has no affiliation with Facebook whatsoever. T
This is entirely for JDRF fundraising! We want a cure so badly!
All entries will be randomly entered into an online draw with the winner announced via our blog Wednesday 29th August 9pm.

Thank you all so very much for your continued support, kindness and friendship xx

Best of luck to you all... 
We can't wait to give one of you this table of treats xx

For now, Chiara and I will spend today in her special "Garden of trust" ... seemed fitting to play here today considering this little space began one year ago, from this life changing event. My hasnt she grown!

Love you too much
Thank you for supporting us now and always
Chiara Dior and Ren xxx

Friday 17 August 2012

We have a Blog!

Well hello there!

This is our first little attempt at 'blogging'! Many of you have probably been doing this for years... but as you can see I am such a newbie! So it's basic central over here!

We have started this little adventure for a number of reasons. Mainly, Facebook doesn't allow competitions as freely as they once did. With all of the fine print a page can be easily shut down for not adhering. So I thought that was reason enough...just in case.

Secondly... when things get personal ( like i tried once before) people felt obliged to email me to say BACK OFF... sell clips not personal stories!! RUDE but true! Part of me does this to a degree but the other part feels you guys are like family... so how can i not share?? 

SO welcome to our little page of News updates and bits and pieces!!!

Kikki and I are super excited about our comp on Monday! We have been lucky to be supported by many organisations including JDRF, JDRF NSW, Australian Diabetic Living magazine, Diabetic Products New York, JDRF UK, JDRF USA. Thank you for your acceptance to help us x We will be posting final details on Monday so keep am eye out!

I must say ...  I am mildly anxious and have been feeling ill about that day a year ago.
The initial dialogue was along the lines of.... 
Dr..."Mum,Your daughter has diabetes,.... I know you are in shock" 
Me.... "she is what...I am in what.... I am sorry WTF..she has what? "... 
From here...I remember too much that i don't want to and hope Chiara never ever does.

So to find that little silver sequin lining with a pinkish tinge.... we have come such a very long way! Chiara is just yummy healthiness. Rolls on her wrists, chubby long legs and a tummy that would feed me forever! I love it xx Chiara knows so much more than we ever expected. I know so much more than i did. Together... we do this. Together, we will do it forever x

So why a competition? 
Well quite simply our little family would like to give a little something to you, our friends who support Chiara's 'present' and something to JDRF Walk for a Cure, our friends who are fighting for Chiara's future. In essence your contribution to our competition becomes sponsorship for our walk!

Why JDRF Walk for a Cure?
This year Chiara is old enough to understand what diabetes is. She is old enough for no day sleeps and old enough to want to play all day! So we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to begin our lifelong walks, together with our family and our dearest friends. {The loves of our lives and most important people in Chiaras life! }

So with all of that being said... MOnday is fas approaching and our competition will begin!
Can't wait to share!
Have agreat weekend everyone
Lots of love always
Paulie, Ren, Kikki and emmi the puppy xx